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American Bicycle Commuters

How Many People Cycle to Work in Your State?

Alaska has
4,542 cycle commuters

Out of all U.S. states
Alaska has the
3rd highest proportion
of commuters travelling by bike

Cycle Commuting In Alaska
Since 2006

Percentage of commuters
travelling by bike

This page normally features a dynamic line graph displaying the percentage of commuters travelling by bike in Alaska since 2005. Your browser needs to be updated to view the graph. We recommend Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Mozilla Firefox, but most browsers are fine as long as you use the latest version. If you prefer not to upgrade, you may like to try Chrome Frame instead. Thanks!

The state of Alaska allocates the highest amount per head of population to cycling and pedestrian projects annually:

$10.79 per person
Alaska allocates the most funding per capita at $10.79 per person, while Maryland allocates the least at $0.45 per person.

Percentage of Commuters Travelling by Bike in each State

Brought to you by BikeGuard. Provided by MyAssetTag.
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