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Exit Signs by State - Comply with Your State and Local Regulation

There is often confusion over which colors are allowed when choosing an Exit sign for your building. Exit sign requirements vary by state and municipality, which is why it's important to check with your Fire Marshall to see whether Green Exit Signs or Red Exit Signs are required in your building. The information below is for general guidance, only. For many, however, it is also important to get a “sense” of any color preference – so that your building is as consistent as possible with others in your area. Even though the European Union generally uses Green Exit Signs (Red is used to specify prohibited actions), our UL 924 standards allow either Green Exit signs or Red Exit signs. Yet, localized codes often specify one or the other.
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Illinois State Compliant EXIT Signs
State Summary
Chicago requires red Exit signs, and the rest of Illinois generally follows suit. Chicago and many other major cities value uniformity more than other locations, which prevents confusion and makes it easy for builders and business owners to remain consistent with their design and Exit sign purchases. As always the determination of Fire Exit Sign colors varies town-by-town, but Chicago is notably a red Fire Exit sign city, apart from the rest of Illinois. For more information, the Division of Fire Prevention manages the adherence to Life Safety Codes throughout the state. While concentrating efforts on state licensed day care, health care, and educational occupancies, OSFM fire prevention inspectors also inspection of aboveground tanks, gas installations and hotel/motel occupancies to ensure safety and egress routes from every angle. Chicago Exit Signs also feature a steel frame.

Chicago-Approved Exit Signs

2 sided
Chicago-Approved Exit Sign, Steel face